Friday, September 11, 2009

Want to Burn More Belly Fat During Exercise

there has been lots of research done with respect to body fat and spot reduction. You know how many people now are looking to lose belly fat but want to keep the shape of their butt they're so proud of.

Experts and personal trainers have claimed that there's no way to spot reduce. They, me included have said that there is no way that you are able to pick and choose where you can take of the fat.

Recent studies are showing that it may in fact be possible. Scientists have studied exactly WHERE fat is burned from in order to fuel certain activities and it looks as though there may be a unique connection between the muscles being exercised and the fat cells used to provide the bulk of the long term fuel for your training.

NOTE: This is NOT definitive yet, but it holds promise.

It also supports my theory (and again, this is ONLY my theory!) that your MIND-MUSCLE CONNECTION plays a STRONG role in how much, and WHERE you can burn fat.

In this article, I reveal a unique tip that I use to increase the "mind-muscle" connection to (again, in theory) burn more belly fat from your training by implementing a crazy "cardio fat blaster"...

How To Burn More Belly Fat During Exercise

1. First, if you have the muscle Nerd's best-selling book "Combat The Fat" program, you know that he is a HUGE supporter of LOW intensity cardio as a fat-burner.

2. Start this exercise session with a low effort warmup of about 5 minutes on a treadmill, bike, or other exercise equipment.

3.follow up with one set of WEIGHTED CRUNCHES until failure. keep it to just one set

4. do a 10 minute LOW INTENSITY cardio activity. It can be any carido exercise that you like, some examples are; Rowing, jumping rope, jogging, bike...

5. follow that with one set of HANGING LEG RAISES, again to failure. This is to be followed by your second 10-minute bout of low intensity cardio doing a different type of exercise than you had with your last activity.

6. next do a single set to failure of HANGING ROTATIONAL KNEE RAISES...then on to your 3rd round of cardio. Again doing a different activity from the last, though you can repeat wht you did the first round.

And so it goes on, switching back and forth between an abs exercise and low intensity cardio.

For your follow up abs exercises, I suggest (in order)...

=> Hanging Knee Raises

=> Either crunches or V-ups

As you can see, we slowly decrease the intensity of the abs exercise choices with each set as you get closer to the end of your workout.

But in essence, by training your abs throughout your cardio session, you send a "message" to your body WHERE you want all that fat-burning cardio to do most of it's work.

You may think this crazy, but give it a try and see if it doesn't make a difference in where your measurements start reflecting results!


Anonymous said...

Here there can not be a mistake?

dom said...

i think that a lot of people dont do enough lower abdominal and hip flexor work - so the workout you described may fail to spot-fat-reduce, but it will certainly tone/displace and make one's belly "look less fat"

thanks again!